Innovation Forum 2018

16th of May   17th of May Speakers Partecipate

Next 16th and 17th of May at the Ergife Palace Hotel in Rome, the Innovation Forum will be special guest of the Esri Italia Conference 2018 this year entitled ‘’The Science of Where, paradigma for Italy 5.0’’. This is the most comprehensive Expo event in the geospatial technologies sector.

The GEOsmartcampus Innovation Forum is a chance of networking, follow-up and exchange of knowledges about the most important trends dedicated to Managers, Professionals Startups and the ‘talents’ of Italy as well as top those coming from abroad. Speechs, smart projects, demos, workshops and dedicated presentations to let the public know and learn about the application of the new Acceleration technologies.

The Innovation Forum was born to favour and promote the development of Innovative Solutions with the purpose of realizing a Smart society, a new kind of Society where Man and his needs are back to the centre of the scene and technology and innovation are the right tools to accomplish it.
A Smart Society in which the development of human contexts, from the working to the industrial ones and their interrelation are not separable from the analysis and safeguard of Environment.

Through the many dofferent speechs we will reason about: AI, e-mobility, Cybersecurity, Smart Energy, Logistic & Transport, Smart Sport, 5G, AI Botz, Tourism, Smart Water, Blockchain, Big Data & Social Media, Immersive Virtual reality.

Partecipation to thyeInnovation Forum is free prior online registration at this link or through the onsite registration during the two days of the event.

Among the eminent guests there will be: Marco Bicocchi Pichi, President Italia Startup, Entrepreneur & Business Angel, Strategy Consultant; Maurizio Rossi, Founder CoCEO H-FARM member of Kellogg Innovation Network, member of, member of Vatican Art Technology Council, board of Science Gallery Venice; Lorenzo Maternini, Vice President Corporate & Partner Relations Talent Garden; Enrico Mercadante, Cisco Italia Responsible for Innovation, Architecture and Digital Transformation in Italy; Fabio Lalli, CEO at IQUII and IQUII Sport – the new Innovation Hub conceived to deepen different areas of interest concerning sport; Dario Di Santo, Managing Director at Federazione Italiana per l’uso Razionale dell’Energia; Gianluigi Ferri, founder of Innovability that will curate the 2 most ‘’Disruptive” themes of 2018: Blockchain and AI Botz.

Esri Italia Conference that will host the Innovation Forum, is currently the most significant event at EU level as regards geospatial technologies. This 2018 edition will be dedicated to the subject “The Science of Where, paradigma for Italy 5.0” and will be opened by Carlo Ratti’s speech.

Carlo Ratti will bring his ideas to the Plenaria at the esri Conference, on the 16th of Maya t the Ergife Palace Hotel di Roma. Carlo ratti, architect, innovator and engineer is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he’s Director of the Senseable City Lab, a research group that explores how new technologies are shaping the way we conceive, plan and live the cities. He i salso founder partner of the design studio ‘Carlo Ratti Associates’. The ‘’Esquire’’ magazine has nominated him among the ‘’Best&amp: Brightest’’; Forbes in the list of the ‘’Names you need to know’’; Wired in the ‘’50 people that will change the world’’; Fast Company mentioned him among the “50 most important designers of America”, Blueprint Magazine included him in the 25 that are going to change the world of Design”.