«Traditionally, life has been divided into two main parts: a period of learning followed by a period of working. Very soon, this traditional model will become utterly obsolete, and the only way for humans to stay in the game will be to keep learning throughout their lives and to reinvent themselves repeatedly.».
(Yuval Noah Harari)
Checkout our next Clex Academy online courses
Geosmartcampus è Partner dell’iniziativa Clex Academy
Clex – Cluster of Experts is a professional training program based on an innovative teaching method developed by Forma Mentis in the course of its 25 years of experience training successful professionals.
Clex Academy aims to provide professionals a complete set of competences, both technical and softskills concerned- in order to allow them to turn into experts of tomorrow, capable to move with selfconfidence and agility in a job-market that increasingly requires to be skilled in Industry 4.0, in BIM – Building Information Modelling, in Geographic Information System (GIS) and in team working on digital platforms.
Defined ”Teaching method of the future” by Massimiliano Moruzzi, father of the Generative Design of Autodesk, the program is concerted in coordinated modules, provided from a team of mentors.
Each module will include classroom-taught lessons, hands-on demonstrations, and exercises to strenghten acquired competences. Extreme variety in activities proposed allows any kind of student to learn, regardless of age and personal attitudes.
Courses will be flanked by lectures lectio magistalis given by professionals -who daily employ these new technologies-, by a solid bibliography and practical trials and experimentations; moreover each course will be corroborated by the realization of an extraordinary project, supported and coached along the training path in each and every phase.
Clex it’s right this: a platform, a springboard, a complete immersive training experience. Through mpre than 500 hours of training, mentoring and workshop, we’ll dive into what it means to be a professional in digital era.
Training Paths Clex.BIM Clex.Smart BIM.Web Training
Check out our next Clex Academy online courses
Computational Interiors 6 aprile > BIM Project Management 9 aprile > BIM Product Design 16 aprile
Computational Interiors – starting April 6th 2020
«That’s why I seek to think of Architecture as a fashion stylist would think of a garment, and why I consider a garment as the smallest of the architectures».
(Alessandro Mendini)
Selected from the BIM.InteriorDesign training path, the module aims to introduct participants to Computational Design principles for interior design employing Autodesk Dynamo for Revit software.
Te course is addressed to professionals in interior Design already skilled with good competences in Autodesk Revit software willing to find new valid tools to better the project control, eliminate productive processes and manage complex geometries modelling.
Activities will include practical exercises for interior designers, though to reinforce acquired notions. In addition, the course will face Logic Themes in oredr to put the student in conditions to deal with any kind of process and will be widely explained existing lists that will allow to obtain fluency and mastery in any genre of Content.
No programming skills required.
Session will be composed by n.9 lessons, 2 hours each, supplied along the month of April.
Lessons calendar:
- April 6th 2020 (4-6pm). Chiara C. Rizzarda. Introductive module: Computational Design for Interior Design planning.
- April 7th-8th 14th-15th 21sh-22nd 28th-29th 2020 (4-6pm) given by Paolo Quadrini.
Professors: Chiara C. Rizzarda e Paolo Quadrini.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Fundamentals of programming (strings, numbers, booleane, etc.) and visual programming (knots and connections)
- Lists
- Logic operators (eg: employ of IF) and creation of functions
- Organic geometries creation and manipulation in Dynamo setting
- Integration and control of families in Revit through Dynamo
- Importing/Exporting data from/to Excel
Participation: 350 € + IVA – Clex Academy, as Geosmartcampus partner, reserves a discount of 3% to those 20 first subscribers that will send their references to info@geosmartcampus.it
BIM ProjectManagement – Free Workshop–April 9th 2020 Chiara C. Rizzarda, CLEX Academy technical director, will speak of project management for a BIM projecte, and, in particular, of Scrum. The managing framework Agile, with its principles of autodetermination of the working team, it is especially significant in a hystorical time that has lead us to reflect on long-distance cooperation and about the necessity to slim productions processes down. During these 2hours seminar they will be introduced the framework general principles, requirements for its enactment, some operating tools related to information modelling, and it will be possible to share experience through storytelling about collaborative processes at the time of social distancing.
The free Workshop will be held on the 9th of April 2020 from 4 to 6pm.
Professor: Chiara C. Rizzarda.
Participation: FREE – Registration Form
BIM Product Design – starting April 16th 2020
Amongs most complex activitiesthere’s the ability to realize parametric information components in AutoDesk Revit.
The so-call rechargeable families, the bricks that build the informative model in a BIM process. In this curse we’ll deal with base-principles necessary to build a rechargeable component, within a module that doesn’t require the student to be already skilled in Autodesk Revit.
The course will deal with LOD charts and with the informative data sheet profile usable for furniture components ina BIM project; how to project parametres and attributes, how to set classification rules and it will be possible to confront experiences about best practices in constructing a library.
The session will be composed of n. 6 lessons, 2hours each.
Lessons Calendar:
- 16th-17th-20th-23rd-24th-27th of April 2020 (4-6pm).
Professors: Marco Adriani and Chiara C. Rizzarda.
Topics covered:
- Fundamental for BIM and for planning components of a library: startegies of projecting, documents and classification.
- Information data system in Revit ‐ Terminology
- Core concepts for chargeable families creation
- Creation of personalised families for planning
Participation: 250 € + IVA – Clex Academy, as Geosmartcampus partner, reserves a discount of 3% to those 20 first subscribers that will send their references to info@geosmartcampus.it